Australia Cancels Novak Djokovic’s Visa, Here’s Why

Canberra, Jan 6: Australian authorities on Thursday cancelled tennis star Novak Djokovic’s visa on his arrival in Melbourne.
The world’s number one tennis player was held in the city’s airport for several hours before the border forces announced that he had not met the entry rules and therefore would be deported, BBC reported on Thursday.
Djokovic has now reportedly been taken to a government detention hotel pending his departure on an outbound flight.
The Australian move comes amid a backlash over a vaccine exemption given to Djokovic so as to let him play in the Australian Open.
Sources suggest that Djokovic could in response pursue a legal appeal or apply for a new visa so he can re-enter and play in the tournament.
After his arrival at the Melbourne airport, the Australian authorities noticed that Djokovic’s team had not requested for a visa that permits medical exemptions for being unvaccinated. Djokovic has not spoken about his vaccination status, but last year he said he was “opposed to vaccination”.