Rishab Shetty seeks divine permission for ‘Kantara’ sequel and gets it

According to the ‘Daiva Nartaka’, Umesh Gandhakadu, Shetty had sought divine permission to take up the ‘Kantara’ sequel. And he added: “The local god has given his consent.”
The ‘Daiva Nartaka’ said: “Rishab Shetty asked us to carry out Panjurli (a local diety) seva in Mangaluru. I have done the seva in the Madivalabettu temple located at Bandale.”
Gandhakadu added that he could not share more details, because when he becomes a ‘Daiva Nartaka’ it is the local god who speaks and not him.
When in his ‘Daiva Nartaka’ form, Gandhakadu made the request, the god indicated his approval. The god has suggested making the sequel with much care and meeting the caretaker of the pilgrimage centre, Dr Veerendra Hegde, a BJP Rajya Sabha member. The god has also asked Shetty to offer prayer before the god, namely, Annappa Panjurli.