New 3-min sneak peek into ‘The Batman

Los Angeles, Jan 31: In a new clip from Matt Reeve’s “The Batman”, we get a new glimpse into Robert Pattinson’s version of the dark knight. With not even so much as a line and just his eyes, Pattinson manages to slay the whole thing and give a great piece of insight into his version of the character, where we get to see a rawer and more aggressive version of the vigilante as opposed to others.
At a funeral paying his respects, Bruce stands silent in conversation with the mayoral candidate Bella Real. “You really could be doing more for this city. Your family has a history of philanthropy,” Real says of the late Martha and Thomas Wayne. “But as far as I can tell, you’re not doing anything.”
Catching on to the conversation of James Gordon about a missing cop, Bruce starts to look around and standing amid a bunch of people he sees a shadowy figure (possibly The Riddler, though he looks more like a normal man here than some torturer/executioner from medieval times). Suddenly a car crashes into the church and the figure vanishes with a man coming out of the car revealed to be the missing cop, carrying an explosive registered “To The Batman”.
With not a single line said and such realistic cinematography Pattinson really brings out the grit of batman with nothing but his eyes and his overall expression which is nothing but an urge to track this guy down and beat the living hell out of him countered by his restraint so as to not reveal himself to the public.
Reeves shared the “funeral scene” clip on Vimeo in 4K quality and announced The Batman tickets go on sale February 10. “Many of you may have seen this scene from @TheBatman floating around online, so I decided to put it on my vimeo in 4k,” Reeves tweeted. “#AdvanceTickets go on sale 2/10! In the meantime, hope you enjoy this sneak peek… #TheBatman comes out #OnlyInTheaters on March 4th!” In Reeves’ comic action noir detective tale taking place in Bruce’s second year of costumed crime-fighting, the Riddler is a Zodiac-type cunning and sadistic serial killer leaving ciphers for Batman as he targets the elite of the corrupt Gotham City as he has unmasked the identity of the caped crusader.
He can’t stop what’s coming. Get tickets for #TheBatman starting February 10, only in theaters March 4.
— The Batman (@TheBatman) January 30, 2022