Kareena Kapoor told her 3 biggest secret beauty tips, if you follow them your face will also glow.

Kareena Kapoor Skin Care Tips
If someone tells you that there is no need to work hard to look beautiful, just make three things a part of your routine every day and your face will start glowing like Kareena Kapoor, then it would be difficult to believe. But Kareena Kapoor herself has told three such beauty tricks which can prevent aging and you too can have a glowing face like hers. The special thing is that these tips are also scientific. So what are you waiting for, tie the knot of these three things from today itself and start working on them.
magic of almond oil
Kareena Kapoor follows a very simple diet and beauty routine to keep her skin beautiful and glowing. In an interview given to a magazine, he told how almond oil works like magic on the skin. Kareena massages her face and body with chemical free almond oil at least 2-3 days a week. This increases blood circulation and brings glow to the face.
three liters of water daily
Kareena Kapoor’s second routine is water. She drinks at least three liters of water a day. With this, their entire body remains hydrated and the skin remains moist, which increases the glow. Kareena said that I drink at least three liters of water every day. No matter where I live. Hydration is most important for me. She also always keeps moisturizer with her for skin hydration.
food and happiness
Kareena also said, “I think when you are satisfied, you feel happy. Its effect is also visible on your skin. Kareena believes that if there is happiness from within then Glow also appears on the face. She also believes that food should be such that you like it and which is suitable for your body. Excessive dieting can make you thin but the skin also becomes lifeless. Therefore, maintain a good and healthy eating routine which also affects the face.