Odisha Shuts All Educational Institutions Amid Upsurge in Covid- 19 Infections

Bhubaneswar: Odisha has decided to shut all colleges, universities and technical institutions in the state until February 1, 2022, owing to the rising Covid cases in the state. Medical colleges, nursing colleges and other institutions under the ministry of health and family welfare are exempted from this closure, said an order from the Odisha government. The educational institutions and all hostels of the institutions in the state will close from January 10 onwards.
Authorities of the educational institutions are directed by the government to take all the measures to continue classes and academic activities in online mode.
“Although the hostels are closed, scholars, researchers and students are allowed to stay in the hostel in connection with any project or academic activities with due permission from the concerned authority,” said the order by the Odisha government.
The Odisha government has also allowed educational institutions to continue all the ongoing offline exams for now by strictly adhering to Covid protocols such as social distancing, wearing masks, using sanitisers among others.
New Covid Guidelines in Odisha: Students are allowed to stay in hostels with permission from concerned authority for any academic activities
Apart from colleges, coaching institutions are also prohibited from taking offline classes.
“Any individual who is found to be violating the new Covid guidelines order issued by the government will be punished under the Disaster Management Act 2005 and other laws,” said the government order.