Just by doing these 5 things, diabetes will never break out anywhere, sugar disease will always be under control.

Diabetes Prevention Tips
Diabetes is a life-long dangerous disease, once you get it, you have to take care of many things from food to medicine throughout your life. This is the reason why people get scared after hearing the name of diabetes. Once you have diabetes, you have to live with it for the rest of your life. You can only control it. In such a situation, the most important thing is that you do not let diabetes occur. If you take care of some things related to food and lifestyle, you will stay away from dangerous diseases like diabetes forever. For this, it is most important that you keep your lifestyle right. Include these 5 things in your lifestyle. With this, diabetes will not flare up around you and the increased blood sugar level will always remain under control.
What to do to avoid diabetes?
Physically active- If you want to avoid diabetes and if you have it then you have to control it, for this you must do some physical activity daily. Walk for 1 hour daily. If you cannot walk then do some exercise, do yoga, running or cycling. You definitely have to do some kind of activity. If the body keeps moving, diabetes will always stay away.
Keep weight under control- To control diabetes, it is very important to control weight. Research has revealed that obesity is becoming a major cause of diabetes. Therefore maintain a healthy weight. This will keep the sugar level in the body under control and the risk of many diseases will also reduce.
Consumption of plant based food- If you want to prevent diabetes, eat as much plant-based food as possible. Include green leafy vegetables in your diet. Eat healthy nuts and seeds daily. Eat tomatoes. Seasonal fruits should come. Eat non-starchy vegetables. Consume lentils, cabbage, beans, peas, lentils, whole grains, barley, barley. This will never cause diabetes.
Eat good fat- Eat healthy and good fat items. Since fat is also important for the body. But eating unhealthy fat increases diseases. Avoid things with saturated fat, it is bad fat. Dairy products, meat, refined oil, dal, processed food, butter, cheese contain bad fat. Olive oil, mustard oil, almond, sunflower oil, peanut oil, canola oil, coconut oil, pumpkin seeds and fish oil contain healthy fats.
Avoid eating outside- If you want to avoid diabetes and other diseases, then avoid eating outside. Avoid packed and processed food available in the market. Even though these products claim to be low in calories, these processed foods are harmful for health. Instead of eating this type of food, eat nutritious home-made food. Eat food on time and get enough sleep.