Mobilenews24x7 Bureau
Is the caste divide going to rip through the fabric of the social harmony. It has, as has been touted as a social divider, has made inroads into the lives of young students who belong to the lower caste like Schedule caste/Schedule tribe.
The apex court of the country has expressed deep concern and more so, after the recent series deaths of five students from the Dalit communities by committing suicide has brought to the fore that they were all victims of humiliation and taunts for their caste.
They were all studying in India’s prestigious institutes. From IITs to government universities, caste discrimination is a leading cause of suicides among SC/ST students.
All died for a common reason and that was caste discrimination and extreme harassment.
“Incidents of suicides of students from marginalised communities are becoming common. These numbers are not just statistics. They are stories of centuries of struggle.”the CJI of India took a serious note of that including that of Darshan Sholanki, a student of IIT Bombay.
This has become a trend of late when students from the Dalit communities resort to suicides than live with humiliation. A shocking statistics that between 2014- 2021, 122 students died by suicide at IIT, IIM, NIT and other central universities. Out of these 122, 68 students were from reserved categories.
What is dangerous is that, it is not just students, but there’s alleged discrimination towards faculties from marginalised communities.
From communities to students and then towards the faculties! Where would it all end.
Caste discrimination leads to hamper of studies and which leads to self-rejection and then many students chose to the extreme recourse that is finish the lives.