Parliament passes 11 Bills in Winter Session

New Delhi, Dec 22: Parliament passed 11 Bills in the Winter Session, where Lok Sabha had 82 per cent productivity and Rajya Sabha had 48 per cent productivity. Lok Sabha lost around 18 hours 48 minutes to disruptions, while it worked for over 83 hours, while Rajya Sabha worked for 45 hours 34 minutes out of the scheduled 95 hours.
In the Lok Sabha, 563 MPs raised matters of urgent public importance, which translated to 70 MPs raising issues in Zero Hour every day. On December 9, 62 MPs had raised issues in the Zero Hour, out of which 29 were women MPs.
Here is a look at some of the important Bills passed
Parliament are as under:
* The Farm Laws Repeal Bill, 2021 – In a statement on Wednesday, government said “in view of protests by a group of farmers and in order to take everyone together on the path of inclusive growth and development in the 75th Year of India’s Independence, the bill was introduced and passed to repeal the three farm laws”. The Bill, passed by both Houses of Parliament on November 29, repeals three laws – Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Act, 2020, the Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act, 2020 and the Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act, 2020 passed by Parliament in September, 2020.
*The Dam Safety Bill, 2021- The Bill provides for surveillance, inspection, operation and maintenance of the specified dam for prevention of dam failure related disasters and to provide for institutional mechanism to ensure their safe functioning and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
*The Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulations) Bill, 2021- It provides for establishment of the National Board, the State Boards and the National Registry for the regulation and supervision of the assisted reproductive technology clinics and the assisted reproductive technology banks, prevention of misuse, safe and ethical practice of assisted reproductive technology services and for related matters.
* The Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, 2021- It provides for regulation of surrogacy services in the country, to prohibit the potential exploitation of surrogate mothers and to protect the rights of children born through surrogacy.
* The National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (Amendment) Bill, 2021 – It declares six additional National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research as Institutions of National Importance, and to create a Council to oversee activities of these institutes. The institutes being declared as Institutes of National Importance are located in Ahmedabad (Gujarat), Hajipur (Bihar), Hyderabad (Telangana), Kolkata (West Bengal), Guwahati (Assam), and Raebareli (Uttar Pradesh). The Bill also provides for a Council to coordinate the activities among the institutes under the Bill to ensure development of pharmaceutical education and research and maintenance of standards.
* The High Court and Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Amendment Bill, 2021 – It provides benefit of additional quantum of pension to a retired Judge from the first day of the month in which he completes the age specified in the first column of the scale and not from the first day of his entering the age specified therein as so interpreted by the High Courts.
* The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Amendment) Bill, 2021 – It rectifies a drafting error in the NDPS Act.
* The Delhi Special Police Establishment (Amendment) Bill, 2021 – It provides for extension of tenure of Director of the Central Bureau of Investigation by up to one year at a time in public interest, till the completion of five years in total including the period mentioned in the initial appointment.
* The Central Vigilance Commission (Amendment) Bill, 2021 – It is to provide for extension of tenure of Director of the Directorate of Enforcement by up to one year at a time in public interest, till the completion of five years in total including the period mentioned in the initial appointment.
* The Election Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2021 – It provides linking of electoral roll data with the Aadhaar ecosystem to curb the menace of multiple enrolment of the same person in different places.