A whale weighing more than 30 tonnes washed up dead on a beach in Maharashtra on Tuesday. On Tuesday, September 21, a whale which was around 40 feet long and 30,000 kg heavy, washed up ashore in Maharashtra’s city, Palghar. The whale washed up dead on the remote Mardes Beach in Maharashtra`s Vasai and gathered a lot of attention due to its mammoth size.
The officials on site said that the whale carcass weighed over 30 tonnes, and washed up from the Arabian Sea. The carcass of the whale started decomposing rapidly and letting off a strong suffocating stench in the entire vicinity.
Since the whale was starting to decompose rapidly, forest officials rushed to the scene to determine the species but were unable to do so in time. They further ascertained that the gigantic whale must have died sometime in August, and washed up on the beach due to the high tide.
According to media reports, an official on-site said, “It`s very difficult to remove and dispose off the huge and bulky carcass…We will try to bury it on the beach itself to prevent stray dogs from devouring it and rid the area of the reeking stench.”
Though the stench of the whale’s decomposing carcass was very strong, the unusual sight of its huge form drew out a large crowd. It was reported that locals were clicking selfies with the mammoth whale, mesmerized by its size and the incident itself.
A massive effort to move the body of the whale was made by the officials. The process to move the carcass was already delayed due to the rainfall, as per reports. The whale was finally buried on the spot, by digging a five feet deep hole, after nearly 24 hours of struggle.