Bhubaneswar: Opposition Congress members carrying placards today locked the Assembly gates and sat on dharna in front of the entry gates of the Odisha Assembly on the inaugural day of the winter session demanding sacking and arrest of the Minister of State for Home, for his alleged involvement in the Mamita Meher murder case.
Mamita Meher, a school teacher of Sunshine English Medium school of Mahaling in Kalahandi district was murdered by the School Management President Gobinda Sahu on October 8 last after she threatened to expose his extramarital affairs and sexual escapades.
Opposition BJP and Congress alleged that Mr. Mishra has a close link with the accused and was involved in the murder. Both the opposition parties have launched agitations, dharna and protest meetings across the state demanding the arrest and sacking of the Minister. The Opposition Congress and the BJP have in their respective party legislature meeting yesterday have decided to make the Mamita murder case the main issue during the winter session of the state Assembly which began on December 1.
Much before the house began, the Congress members today locked one of the three entry gates of the house and sat on dharna in front of two other gates in support of their demand.
Later employees of the Assembly broke the lock and opened the gate. The Congress members, however, later participated in the obituary reference. The house adjourned to 1700 hours after passing the obituary references
Meanwhile, the Orissa High Court in response to a request by the state government has nominated former district Judge A. B. S. Naidu on Tuesday to monitor the investigation into the murder of Mamita Meher.