New Delhi: Lok Sabha was disrupted on Friday as Opposition members demanded the sacking of Minister of State for Home Ajay Mishra Teni. Opposition members trooped near the Speaker’s podium showing placards demanding that the minister be sacked, and demanded punishment for those guilty in Lakhimpur Kheri incident.
Speaker made repeated appeals to the members to go back to their seats, but the protests continued even as the question hour went on. Bahujan Samaj Party MP Malook Nagar objected to the protests saying that the continuing protests were a violation of the rights of other MPs.
Speaker Om Birla meanwhile warned protesting members that they would be held accountable for any damage to the property of the Lok Sabha.
As protests and sloganeering continued, the Speaker adjourned the House till 2 pm. Opposition has been demanding the sacking of the Minister after an SIT report said that the incident at Lakhimpur was a deliberate act and not a case of negligence. In the incident which took place on October 3, four farmers and a journalist were killed after being run over by cars from the Minister’s convoy. Three people from the Minister’s convoy were also killed.
Ajay Mishra’s son Ashish is one of the accused in the case and has been arrested.