Little new evidence has emerged in ongoing US probe of coronavirus origins – Reports

Washington, Jul 17 : Little new evidence has emerged in the Biden administration’s ongoing investigation into the origins of the novel coronavirus, leaving US officials stuck in the middle of determining whether the disease leaked from a lab in Wuhan or was transmitted from animals to humans, CNN reported citing multiple sources familiar with the review.
The report said on Friday that halfway through the 90-day review into the origins of the novel coronavirus, the US intelligence community is still divided on whether the disease leaked from a laboratory in Wuhan, China, or was transmitted from animals to humans.
However, top Biden administration officials such as National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and federal agencies like the CIA now think the labaratory leak theory is plausible, marking a shift in their initial thinking.
In May, President Joe Biden ordered the US intelligence community to produce a report reexamining the origins of the coronavirus and determining whether the disease leaked from a lab or spread from an infected animal to a human. The US leader gave the intelligence community 90 days to complete the report.