380 Million Years Old Heart, World’s Most Primitive Organ Discovered Intact By Scientists In Australia

By D N Singh
Unbelievable yet true that, the heart coasted by bones of a fish has been discovered dating back to 380 million years. The organ has been preserved safely and appear to be not losing its vitality as an organ.
Which has surprised and encouraged as well, the scientists of the Cortin University’s researchers those who have also stumbled upon a heart with stomach, intestine and liver which show a similarity with the modern shark fish.
The researchers hope that, the new discoveries could help on the evolution of human life.
Like the Sharks of the present time, the heart of those were under the mouth and the fins.
This chanced discovery was possible in Western Australia’s Kimboli area in a Gogo formation which, interestingly, was lying partly buried unders rock slab since last 380 million years. Whereas, in contrast, the tissues in the primitive living species rarely remain intact like the one discovered.
Which has obviously stunned the scientists and according to Prof Paralwarg of Upsala University, these are rare tissues and attempts are being made by scientists to scan the remain by Neutron beam and Syncrotron X-Ray.