Odisha Matric Exams 2023 From Today

The Board of Secondary Education (BSE), Odisha Class 10 examination commenced today. March 10, 2023. BSE Odisha 10th exams 2023 will be conducted from March 10 to March 17, 2023. The exam dates were announced by BSE President while addressing a presser at BSE office in Cuttack.
The exams shall start from 8 am, keeping in mind the heatwave like situation across the state. 74 squads have been formed to keep a check on cheating in the examinations.
More than 5 lakh students will appear in Odisha Matric exam beginning today. Meanwhile, a three-tier squad system in place to curb malpractice.
To be noted that the exam that will begin today is Summative Examination 2 or SA II for class 10 high school students. The Class 10 for Madhyama and State Open School Certificate 2023 will also be held simultaneously.
The students were directed to only carry their admit cards, blue and black pens, pencils and geometry boxes. No other items were allowed inside the examination centre. Students were seen seeking the blessings of their teachers and guardians before stepping into the examination centres.
There is a sum total of 3218 exam centers. A total of 316 nodal centers have been established under 22 police stations. Seven nodal centers have been set up in Kandhamal district, five in Koraput and ten in Malkangari.
The candidates shall carry with them the admit card, a blue and a black pen, a pencil, a geometry box into the
The Question papers will go to the examination centers under strict security. For the first time, the district administration officials have been ordered to escort the papers.
The Board has advised all candidates to read their test books carefully. Only by doing so the candidates be able to score cent percent in the exams.
It is worth mentioning that, the practical exam for the vocational trade will be held from February 15 to February 22, 2023. The class 9 exams shall start from February 20, 2023.