Systemic Reforms: Riot Games To Pay $100 Mn To Female Employee

Washington, Dec 28: American game developer Riot Games, creator of the League of Legends franchise and Arcane animated series, has agreed to pay $100 million to its female employees, including former ones, to settle gender discrimination and harassment charges, California’s civil rights agency said on Tuesday.
In November 2018, former Riot Games employees filed a class-action lawsuit against the company in the Los Angeles Superior Court for alleged systemic employee harassment and discrimination, according to California’s Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH).
The original claim was $10 million, but in 2020 California’s civil rights and workers’ rights protection agencies intervened so that the plaintiffs could claim up to $400 million in payments.
“#RiotGames has agreed to a landmark $100M settlement and systemic reforms to resolve allegations of workplace sex #discrimination and #harassment,” the DFEH wrote on Twitter.
The settlement money will go to “remedy violations against approximately 1,065 women employees and 1,300 women contract workers”, according to the agency’s statement. Out of $100 million, at least $80 million will be directed to employee benefits, the release said.
Media reported that another $20 million will go towards legal fees and other expenses.
The court also ordered the company to hire an independent outside observer who will provide the authorities with an annual report on the working conditions of women in the company over three years.
Women who have worked for Riot since November 6, 2014 will be eligible for compensation, the DFEH said.