Passenger vehicles sales up 8 per cent in August, two-wheelers down 15 per cent: SIAM data

New Delhi : Indicating gradual revival in the economy, domestic sales of passenger vehicles (PVs) comprising cars, utility vehicles and vans increased 7.55 per cent to 2.32 lakh in August, 2021 as compared to 2.15 lakh in the corresponding month last year.
According to Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) data released on Friday, three-wheeler sales registered a jump of 60% during this period clocking total number of 23,210 in August compared to 14,534 in the same month last year.
Sales of two-wheelers in the country, however, fell sharply in August with all manufacturers together selling 13.31 lakh units in August this year compared to 15.59 lakh units in the same month last year.
Two-wheelers include scooters, motorcyles, step-throughs and mopeds.
All vehicles put together, the auto industry performance was in negative zone in the month of August, 2021.
Automakers together sold 15,86,873 units in August, down 11 per cent compared to 17,90,115 units in the same month last year.
Rajesh Menon, Director General, SIAM said that Indian Automobile Industry is reeling under pressure due to supply chain challenges.
“The global semi-conductor shortage continues and now it is having an acute impact on output across the auto industry,” he said.
In addition, Menon noted, high commodity prices are increasing the cost of production.
Looking at the cumulative sales from April to August 2021, passenger vehicle segment is still below the level of 2016-17, two-wheeler segment is still lower than the level of 2011-12, and three-wheeler segment is behind by many years.
With festive season round the corner, pandemic on the ebb and macro-economic indicators showing revival, the auto industry could expect the domestic sales to improve in coming months.